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About InspireIP

Bridging the gap between building and delivering innovation™


“InspireIP is on a mission to streamline how you manage innovation and accelerate the pace of your patent filing process.”

Mission of InspireIP

To transform the way people innovate by helping them ideate, collaborate, and disclose inventions better. At any time. From anywhere.

Vision of InspireIP

To help every innovator find, capture, disclose, and manage their IP with vision, purpose, and ease.

InspireIP Mission and Vision

About InspireIP

As we recognized the trends in how people innovate, we knew we needed a better way to capture their innovation. One where innovators have a two-fold medium to turn ideas into reality and disclose inventions effectively.

Since InspireIP is built for inventors by an inventor and an innovation leader, we know that what works for the inventor is great for the management.

We believe innovation is the heart, and people are the soul of every business. Organizations and startups can only grow when they are brought together and make innovation inbound.
That’s why we’ve created an innovation ecosystem connecting software, best practices, and artificial intelligence.

As Executive Director of Patent Development and Executive Director of Innovation, Sam Zellner noticed traditional methods and existing systems were not effectively engaging the inventors. Employees were not contributing at their full potential, and leaders were failing to capture innovation. From this realization, InspireIP was born.

We operate on the notion that people want to consistently create, and businesses tap into talent. Both need an assist! Today, InspireIP continues to empower top innovation leaders and teams to tap into their innovation potential.

Innovation is no longer just a buzzword—we make it a living, breathing force nurtured by the diverse minds within your company’s walls.

Our Community

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Ideas Captured
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Ideas Implemented
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Active Users
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Invention Disclosures Filed
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Our Areas of Specialty

Idea Assist

Idea Generation and Management Software

AI-powered tool to engage employees, foster collaboration, and improve organizational culture. Because every innovative company has one thing in common--amazing innovation pipeline fueled by their people.

IP Assist

Innovation Management and Invention Disclosure Software

Trusted by the most innovative companies for capturing and assessing the output of inventors throughout the innovation cycle. With a collaboration-friendly interface, streamline pursuing inventions and issuing decisions.

Unlock your organization's creative potential with InspireIP

Get started with a free 30-day trial of the platform.