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Case Study

How InspireIP helped GreyB create a successful innovation program.

Ideas Captured
Innovation Challenges
Active Contributors


There’s an innovator inside every growing business, but what if we told you the number is far larger than you can imagine?

This is the success story of GreyB and how its top innovation leaders used InspireIP to bring out the innovator and inventor inside every single employee.

Specifically, they took advantage of Idea Assist to leverage the company’s entire workforce to:

  • Improve the process of generating, capturing, and implementing ideas
  • Create a repository of ideas that they can implement at any time
  • Introduce new internal processes and elements, such as focused upskilling programs for every vertical
  • Bring their company’s vision of customer-focused innovation into reality

Company Profile: What GreyB does?

GreyB is focused on Infringement Research, Invalidation Search, Prior Art Studies, Freedom to Operate, Landscape Studies, and Machine Intelligence.

The company’s product line includes these solutions and more:

  • BOS – Business Opportunities For Sales
  • FIT – Filing Impediment Tracker
  • NEO – An Intelligent Tool For Patent Researchers
  • Assignee Analysis

In a nutshell, GreyB is an innovation consulting firm that performs custom analysis on patents, research papers, and market reports to drive insights.

Its founding philosophy is: A continuous focus on a systematic, almost scientific approach to hiring, learning & development to build teams that deliver. The top management at GreyB considers their teams to be the essence of GreyB.

Pain Points: Management PoV

The internal discussions made the goal clear for GreyB: to find an impartial and objective way to capture ideas, drive collaboration & large-scale employee engagement, and continuous improvement.

IP Opportunities

Empower employees to be critical for winning patent litigations, scouting new technology, selling business based on IP, risk assessment in FTOs, and so on.

Employee Participation

Ensure productivity and participation when it comes to large and small innovations challenges, such as transitioning to a new office.

Internal Collaboration

Increase employee engagement individually and collectively as collaboration and internal communications must scale as the company grows.

Idea Management

GreyB wanted to give every employee the same platform, priority, process, and progress to grow internally.

Solution: The Innovation Story Begins

After getting to the root cause of the ongoing situation and GreyB’s end goal, we started their transition to continuous innovation. By then, the top management was able to leverage our 30-day free trial policy and onboard InspireIP as their primary innovation management software.

After two years, here’s their solution overview.

InspireIP Idea Assist Tool Personalized

GreyB’s first step towards a strong innovation strategy was to introduce a custom and easy-to-integrate idea management platform. 

Since GreyB wanted to start right away with the innovation challenges to find and launch employee ideas, our proactive approach came in handy. Our team helped them with an innovation strategy, following best industry practices for systematic employee engagement. 

The GreyB team began their InspireIP journey by running their first innovation challenge, which was to bring out the best in their new workspace. Because of the simple and effective UI, the entire workforce was able to get on board quickly and start contributing. The rest is history.

InspireIP idea and innovation management tool enabled GreyB to:

Implement the new idea generation framework

Champion running innovation challenges

Implement ideas quickly without compromising the quality

Loop in every stakeholder, i.e. juniors, seniors, new employees, middle management, and top management.

Give everyone an unbiased platform to share their ideas

Make collaboration and communication a part of their organization

GreyB Innovation InspireIP

Interactivity and Communication Increased

In the days following up after the launch of the innovation management initiative, GreyB experienced an incredible number of participants. Not only individual contributions but team-based idea submissions increased by two-fold.

Although InspireIP provides a personal success manager to Enterprise users, the GreyB team was quick to accept our tool.

We saw an immediate success rate in their idea development, generation, collaboration, discussion, and implementation process. We honestly didn’t have to hold regular training sessions and induction programs to talk about the benefits of using idea management software.

The employees already had ideas to share and talk about, just not the medium.

Continuous Improvement based on Advanced Reporting

Idea Assist significantly simplified the process of keeping tabs on ideas submitted by individuals at different times through different mediums and for varied challenges. Every single detail and step is now collected and stored in one dashboard.

The innovation analysis by InspireIP enabled the team to gauge the number of:

  • New ideas submitted
  • Ideas evaluated
  • Ideas pursued
  • Users engaged
  • Ideas implemented
  • Number of ideas submitted by each business unit (or team)
  • Number of ideas pursued and filed by each business unit (or team)
  • The success rate of a team during innovation challenges

In a couple of clicks, the leaders are now able to review crucial innovation details and the average time spent on the platform.

Spotting innovation, regardless of the huge challenge, became easier. The top management was able to pursue any idea in no time as well as track the level of employee engagement about internal or external challenges.

Innovation challenge in GreyB with InspireIP

Results and Improvements

More Patents

Increase in the quantity and quality of ideas and inventions.

Idea Tracking

Ability of tech scouting as a result of the live idea repository.

Increased Efficiency

Research time accelerated by 70%.

More Collaboration

Newfound collaboration within teams and verticals.

Business growth

New processes and solutions to give customers the best.

Want to try InspireIP for your Business?

Get started with a free 30-day trial of the platform or contact us for a personalized call.