InspireIP Innovation

Accelerate patent creation and disclosure process

File patents smoothly and streamline how you manage innovation with our innovation management software.

Patent creation InspireIP innovation management software

Manage disclosures without worrying about costs

Do you get 50+ disclosures an year, and… You dislike patent operations which are on spreadsheets and/or emails?
You should use InspireIP when...

Disclosure management

You want a workflow approach to disclosure to the patent filing process. All things like productivity, control, reporting, simplicity to use, etc. are achieved.

Innovation culture

You want inventors to be happy with your patent operations. InspireIP helps inventors engage more leading to more contribution, sharing information for patenting and better IP management

Cost effective

You like cost savings and reduced administrative tasks. More people in the team, more emails, and new spreadsheets are not the solution, you need technology i.e. InspireIP to run efficient operations.

Why an innovation management software?

  • Improved collaboration and communication
  • Better idea management
  • Systematic innovation process
  • Maximized ROI of your innovation initiatives

How InspireIP simplifies patent filing process?

InspireIP innovation management software helps in the management of IP portfolios, tracking the patent application process, or evaluating new patent ideas.

Filter in or out disclosures

Patent committees, with the click of a button, can make go, no-go or more information is needed on the disclosures submitted on the InspireIP platform.

Reports & project management

Quickly generate data and insights for management and executives. Get the project management power to disclose and patent data.

Disclosure completeness

Inventors are easily able to record all the information that is needed in the patent filing process along with the submission of the invention disclosure.

Outside counsel engagement

Onboard outside counsel quickly and allocate tasks to the attorney during the prosecution. Multiple firms can be on-boarded, and disclosures will be tagged to the choice of the outside counsel through a single interface 

Tasks management

Separate task board to keep tasks that need attention, where to follow up etc., to speed up the workflow of patenting.

Inventor engagement

By bringing inventors to the InspireIP platform, you can motivate them and increase participation (the count and quality are increased) and engagement in their inventions. Inspire IP always sees more patents from inventors when using Inspire IP.

When to onboard an innovation management software?

  • You see more disclosures in your inbox, and your work gets choked. You have become an email assistant. 
  • You see a better future, you see a need for workflow in the invention-to-patent process.
  • You know inventors love innovation but need help with the patent process, and you feel a system should solve this challenge.

Manage Innovation with InspireIP

1. Capture ideas in workflow

Tell the inventor group, you can submit ideas on the platform, email the idea for auto recording while doing discussions on MS teams with a click of a button etc and they will love the InspireIP system.  The best thing for you is when ideas are on workflow – is easy screening and go and no go decisions. Win-Win is the word.

innovation management software
innovation management software

2. What happens after disclosure capture?

Imagine how happy the inventor is when he notices his disclosure is selected, or he sees there is todo, the patent committee needs more information in order to access, or the idea is not worth patenting, there are canned responses which allow in-house teams to be super productive. The system is designed to make work easier. 

3. Clutter free engagement

InspireIP brings all the important information to idea submissions together in one place.  No more worries about missing information or confusion about what’s the next step.  Allows new team members or outside counsel to get up to speed quickly.

innovation management software

Stop going crazy-

  • Looking for emails with important information,
  • Checking your calendar trying to figure out when something happened
  • Searching through your files for a document
  • Worrying if you forgot a to-do something
  • Entering data into a spreadsheet tracker

InspireIP eliminates all this and more

Innovate smarter with InspireIP

Transform ideas into valuable assets and stay ahead of the competition.

Transform the way you manage innovation with our cutting-edge innovation management software.

Book a meeting or get a follow up.