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6 Top Innovations You Must Start Harnessing Today


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Opening a new business is relatively easier in the current market landscape. However, it’s sustaining and ensuring the charm doesn’t fizzle out through creating or leveraging top innovations that take constant effort.

A disruptive innovation has the power to convert ethanol into a renewable jet fuel, and companies that tap into this power always stay ahead of the technology curve.

We have discussed below the top innovation trends that are changing the world today and are likely to change the future.


Artificial Intelligence (AI)


Let’s start with the most recent example of artificial intelligence–ChatGPT. An AI-powered chatbot system developed by OpenAI, ChatGPT is capable of generating human-like text based on context and past conversations.

When the language model was launched in November 2022, there was a huge commotion around it. As usual, the majority of people were afraid and wary of the change and the new innovation. However, it’s safe to say that everyone has embraced ChatGPT and is leveraging it to create value for their businesses.

But the OpenAI innovation did not stop there!

They have gone another step forward in artificial intelligence to give ChatGPT voice capabilities, capable of generating human-like audio from text.

Wait, there’s more.

Now that ChatGPT has a voice, why not a pair of eyes? Well, not literally, but ChatGPT can see you as well.

Using the multimodal abilities, the application can now form an understanding of images and have a conversation with you about it.

For example, you can upload a picture of the inside of your refrigerator and ask ChatGPT to share a meal plan with you.


Artificial intelligence is powering every field today. Healthcare, cybersecurity, communication, and even our homes have not gone untouched by AI innovations.

If you take a closer look, the healthcare industry, especially, is transforming at a rapid rate today because of artificial intelligence.

Diagnosing a problem even before the symptoms appear, predictive analysis, developing the COVID-19 vaccine, and forecasting protein configurations are just a few of the advantages that we are seeing today.

In the near future, predicting health outcomes and offering individualized care plans are going to be the new normal.

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Internet of Things (IoT)


More than 43 billion IoT devices are recorded worldwide in 2023. Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you must own at least one gadget that makes you a part of the IoT ecosystem.

For instance:

  • Do you own a smartwatch?
  • Does your smartphone have an application that shows you all the data recorded through your smartwatch or a wearable device?
  • How about a smart TV?
  • Did you go one step further and get yourself Wi-Fi-enabled fridges, faucets, gas and electric ranges, microwave ovens, coffee makers, pizza ovens, wine coolers, dishwashers, and toasters?
  • Your smart home security system can deploy the IoT to secure your home.

Basically, IoT is impacting every person’s real life every day.


Enterprises are using internet-connected devices to collect and transfer data across a network and use the data insights to make informed decisions.

For example, retailers are optimizing their inventory availability and visibility on the sales floor, backroom, and display by using IoT-based sensors, products, and software. They are able to go as granular as tracking the foot traffic in the stores across multiple regions and country zones, get relevant notifications, and make inventory adjustments accordingly.

And if we look at the healthcare industry, the IoT-enabled health devices market is going strong at $267 billion in 2023. Healthcare professionals are using in-house sensors and wearables for constant care and treatment of patients. The concept of virtual hospitals is becoming more and more a reality because of IoT.

Related Read: Internet innovation: The Ubizen segment of eXpanded media




Cyber threats, data leaks, phishing, social engineering, and other digital institutional attacks have been a common phenomenon for a long now. Companies suffering cyber attacks lose millions and millions in seconds, so they work hard to cover all the bases, such as:

  • Network Security
  • Application Security
  • Data Integrity and Privacy
  • Operational Security
  • Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery
  • End-user Education

However, hackers are also continuously improving and optimizing skills leading to:

  • Automotive hacking
  • Mobile banking malware or assaults
  • Cloud vulnerability
  • Data breaches
  • IoT connectivity malware


Therefore, IP software security is growing profusely today.

Organizations are spending more than ever on asset protection, a ballpark of $100 billion or more.


Blockchain Technology


Let’s start by reviewing the global spending on blockchain technology through the years.


Since blockchain technology is proven to streamline transactions, offer robust security measures, and enhance data privacy, every industry is integrating Web3 technologies like blockchain.

For instance:

DeFi and ReFi are making great progress and eliminating the need for traditional intermediaries like banks or other financial institutions. Users are directly accessing lending, borrowing, and investment services on the blockchain network.

Even financial institutions are expediting their loan processes by leveraging the technology.

At the same time, regenerative finance is using blockchain to positively impact and solve systematic problems.

In 2023, enterprises are making blockchain an integral part of their operations. Its potential to enhance security and immutability, safeguard their business, offer transparency in transactions, and more makes it highly desirable for every business–big or small.

Also, the decentralized nature of blockchain makes it highly secure from cyber attacks.

As discussed above, cybersecurity is one of the main innovation trends right now; blockchain technology supplements the innovation.


Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR)


Augmented reality, though still taking the gaming experience to the next level, is no longer limited to the gaming industry.

Businesses are using AR-based innovations to dismantle the partition between virtual and real worlds.

From Metaverse digital experiences to online shopping, augmented reality is bridging real and digital, or simply put, mimicking real life in digital.

You can see the real-life example of AR in action at online shopping apps. Shoppers can now literally try clothes, shoes, makeup, accessories, and more online before buying.

If you look for an example in enterprises, you’ll hybridize online meetings are a great example. You’d be (not so) surprised to learn that leaders are accepting AR headsets to participate in global-level meetings and mark their presence.

Augmented reality is already a booming innovation, but Metaverse by Meta is making it a popular phenomenon and a near-future reality.


Quantum Computing (QC)


Data is power, so naturally, every leader is busy creating a data center of excellence through innovation.

Quantum computing is one such innovation that is going to revolutionize data computing and take it to the next level. It is basically a quantum leap into a new era of human innovation.

As a new area of computer science focused on innovations based on principles of quantum theory, QC is being explored to process enormous amounts of data simultaneously and create a plethora of possibilities, such as solving the most complex problems in seconds that normal computing took years, predicting about environmental impacts and climate change, etc.

For instance, QC innovation is most likely able to create new materials and even medicines by accurately simulating their behaviors at a molecular level.


Top innovations are at the top for a reason, i.e., they are transforming how businesses operate. From inception to implementation, everything is dictated by these top innovations. Whether you know it or not, they have already crept their way into your daily lives and corporations. So, the choice is not between whether to adopt any of them or not but to strategize how to harness them for your business innovation.

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